History Shirt Design
This project was to design a shirt that had to do with a school subject and I chose history. 
This was a sketch I did for ideas I had for the project
After that I drew the image in procreate 
I included a knight, a phone, a tv, a soldier, and Napoleon's hat. I did this to show different periods of time.
I put that quote I made as a spin on the saying to leave your past behind you. I thought it was an interesting quote and would make the shirt thought provoking. 
For the company name I named the company that would make this shirt Flash Forward because it has to do with time
For the logo I thought it would be cool to have the F in each word be big and cover the rest of the word
Next I have a tag that would go with the shirt that has the logo of the company and the dates of the historical items in the image repeating 
Flash Foward

Flash Foward
