Italian period (2020 - 2021) 

I had one of my most productive periods in Rome, as I had almost zero friends, was working 6 hours per week, and was studying for a Data Science master's degree course 5 days a week
I was programming almost every day being inspired a lot by the art of programming and the aesthetic of graph theory
In markup languages I also noticed a special beauty
I was exploring 3D modeling a lot mostly as a tool for visualisation of my ideas + for better understanding of computer and machine vision components 
Some screenshots from the CV projects I have done, and I find them aesthetically pleasing
As well as R&D activities I was doing a lot of graphics just for fun 
I was living in a very beautiful district San Lorenzo that inspired me to create this tiny ig page to that I unfortunately don't have access anymore though it's still exists on the internet
Leaving this city that became my new hometown I organised small street exhibition to say good bye 
As you can see that was the time when я максимально мощно отлетел по теме изучения языков. Constant thinking about technologies and CV tools gave rise to the idea of real time sing language translator, for that I was using combination of R and Python (OpenPose library). Currently project is frozen while I'm observing incredible expansion of AI and ML tools appearing each new day.
I apologize for the low quality of the gif. I wasn't able to find any other references to this project in my templates, except for this screen capture
Thank you for becoming an observer of my artistic story 🙏
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