For this assignments, I was tasked to design and make a stylised wooden toy car, made of solid wood. The end result should be left in its raw form, and a good contrast of wood grains, and contrasting colours should be visible. 
The maximum size constraints were 200mm long x 120mm wide x 120mm high. The wheels of the car, have to rotate. 
I then used these boards to conceptualise and sketch out numerous ideas. With these important considerations, and inspiration driving the designs, in order to see what can and what can't work.
Here I sketched out multiple ideas that just popped into my head. A majority of them being a creation of a car and another object, some being loosely based on other existing cars. Some cars being inspired by things children like. 
After going through these basic ideas, I chose 3 of my favourite concepts and created 3 main ideas. Then took these different ideas, and made 3 different clear concepts. 
I then dimensioned my design within the size constraints, which I will build both my prototype and final design with.
After working on the above concepts, I took my favourite one (CONCEPT 2). I then refined sketches and made a cardboard prototype. My final car will be a American-inspired Food Truck. 
I first started by cutting all my piece out, Large pieces cut with a Radial Arm Saw and smaller pieces I either used a Handheld-Jigsaw  or a Dremel to sand the piece down to what I needed. 

To create the tires and curves, I used a hole-saw.  

I then sanded all my pieces down using a handheld-sander for larger pieces and a Dremel for smaller pieces.  

I then started the assembly of the pieces, using wood glue to join pieces and G-clamps to hold the pieces in place until the glue was dried. 

Once the sides of the car were attached to the body, I started to work on the back door. After ensuring all pieces worked as supposed to, I glued the rest of the car to completion. 

Ending off the entire process with hand-sanding until a fine finished look.

I created this mood board to give me inspiration of decal designs, which will be applied to the final wood product.
Using the above board as inspiration, I designed and sketches out possible decal designs:
I then use Adobe Illustrator to create the final decals:
Due to my car being an American-inspired Food-truck, I chose to have my main decal a burger logo. The other two decals being accessories to the car- the grill and the headlights. 
I a very pleased with how the outcome of this project turned out. I do feel I could have done a lot more however I am still pleased. The car shows a good contrast of wood grains and colours as windows, and doors are made of a slightly darker wood. 
Environment image: 



Creative Fields