Lays - Concept Commercial B roll

Why Lays?

This brand champions innovation by constantly introducing fresh flavors and products tailored to contemporary preferences. It places a strong emphasis on accessibility, simplicity, and familiarity, ensuring its offerings resonate with a wide audience. Moreover, it forges deep connections with consumers through personalized and relatable interactions, fostering loyalty and trust.


We infused our creative process with the elemental power of fire, tapping into its primal allure to evoke emotions of warmth, comfort, and excitement. Through skillful videography and a keen eye for detail, we transformed our culinary creations into captivating visual stories, all while staying within the constraints of a budget under $10. By playing with lighting, particularly dimming it to exude an air of indulgence and gourmet decadence. We crafted an immersive experience that highlighted the essence of our products and their ingredients.

@raj08_creates  @elysiumdesignco @wwylmsos
Lays - Concept Commercial B roll