Jatin Singh's profile

Comfortable Embrace

In the early stages of my modeling career, a striking realization dawned upon me: there exists a surplus of brands catering to females in this industry compared to those tailored for males. As an individual who finds profound comfort in embracing my feminine side, coupled with a penchant for showcasing it intermittently, the prospect of collaborating with brands enthusiastic about featuring sarees and dupattas—garments traditionally associated with femininity—filled me with immense excitement. This opportunity has not only unlocked numerous avenues but also bestowed upon me a sense of profound appreciation.
To my delight, this fortuitous alignment has not only paved the way for countless professional opportunities but has also fostered a profound sense of validation and inclusivity. Collaborating with brands willing to challenge gender norms and celebrate diversity has been nothing short of a transformative experience. It's not merely about donning garments traditionally associated with femininity; rather, it's about breaking down barriers, redefining beauty standards, and championing authenticity in an industry often plagued by rigidity and conformity.
Indeed, each photoshoot, runway appearance, and campaign has served as a powerful testament to the evolving landscape of fashion
It's about fostering a culture of acceptance, where authenticity reigns supreme and self-expression knows no bounds.
In essence, my journey in modeling has been enriched immeasurably by the opportunity to showcase the beauty and versatility of traditionally female attire. It's a testament to the power of representation and the limitless potential of embracing one's authentic identity. And as I continue to navigate this ever-evolving landscape, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude for the doors that have been opened, and the approximation that has been bestowed upon me
Comfortable Embrace


Comfortable Embrace
