ย "Urban Minimalism: Exploring Complexity with Simple Shapes"

In my latest 3D project, I dove deep into the fascinating world of urban architecture by creating a vibrant city corner using the magic of simple shapes.

The Concept: My concept revolves around the idea of achieving complexity through simplicity. I embraced minimalism to its fullest, using basic geometric shapes as the building blocks to construct an entire city corner. From cubes and cylinders to cones and spheres, every shape plays a crucial role in crafting the urban landscape.

The Aesthetic: The focus is on achieving a harmonious balance between simplicity and intricacy. The clean lines and uniform shapes create a sense of order and structure, while subtle details like textures and lighting add depth and realism. The result is a visually stunning cityscape that invites viewers to explore every nook and cranny.

The Details:
Software used: Maya for modeling and rendering. Photoshop for the limited textures

Check out the final renders below:


