nsamble_project statement

The project is based on proposing a vision of how the future of companies and the manufacture of objects will look like. In this proposed future, raw materials and the environment have been abused to the point where it is not possible to generate or recycle new materials, and the only option is to resort to massive piles of garbage that these same companies have produced as a result of poor manufacturing habits.
The project is presented in the form of a catalog issued by one of such companies, launching a new line of products made entirely out of non- recycled garbage. The viewer’s experience will be that of a new customer wanting to purchase a new piece of furniture.
The project is critic on two levels. Firstly, the project focuses solely on the user because it does not expect companies to change their manufacturing habits at any point, continuing to prioritize money and pro!t over human, labor, and environmental rights; even though the planet is made up of garbage and waste, companies will invest in marketing to sell such garbage and continue to make money.

Moreover, the project criticizes a consumer who is not concerned about questioning what they consume. If people today feel at ease buying products that (very well known) are manufactured in a situation of labor slavery, child labor, and exploitation of resources and ecosystems, how permissive will they be as consumers in a future that is projected to be even worse? The project presents a self-critique and reflection exercise in a catalog that is not very flexible to the capitalist ideals of the companies, all the while being full of beautiful and affordable objects.

For when will consumers stop consuming junk?

