Corporate Informational System
One company, two divisions and fifteen departments.
I had the pleasure of working with Wayne Wingenbach, president of Wingenback Incorporated, in 2010 to create an informational system that could be used by all fifteen departments and administration in his national corporation.

The project began with bringing in a copywriter I have collaborated with before, Jennifer Stack of Genuine Words, to help collect and define the copy required for this informational folder system. We worked with Wayne and his executive to compile all the information and images required to market each department.

I worked closely with Topline Printing to provide the best functional die cut design for  this project. It was a custom folder design as well as a custom die cut for the inserted tabs, mimicking the Wingeback Inc. logo W wordmark.
In the initial design/discussions, the centre panel of the folder tri-fold was to house it's own set of top style tabs to showcase information about the corporate administration and company mission and values. After much discussion, my copywriter suggested creating a separate 3 fold brochure that could be placed in instead and could be used on it's own for distribution... pulling double duty.
Wingenback Inc.

Wingenback Inc.

Corporate information folder and brochure system.
