
Salek is a new logistics & supply chain company that was established in the Egyptian market with a proactive approach that offers smart solutions than basic transportation.
Services include advanced tracking system for transportation, facility management, warehouses, importing to retailers, distribution, stock inventory, consultation services and brand solution services.

Creative Director: Taimour Othman
Client: The Brand Bees
Year: 2022
The Challenge

Salek aimed to establish itself as the pioneer in local logistics and supply chain services, setting a new standard of professionalism and international excellence. The challenge was to create a brand identity that not only communicated Salek's innovative approach but also positioned it as a leader in the industry.
The Move

We developed a brand identity that encapsulated Salek's core values of professionalism, innovation, and efficiency. Our mark was carefully crafted to represent the diversity of Salek's business lines and models.
The mark itself served as a visual representation of Salek's technological prowess, featuring sleek lines and dynamic shapes that evoked a sense of forward motion and progress. The inclusion of subtle tech-inspired details further reinforced Salek's position as a trailblazer in the industry.
Salek's brand values include professionalism, reliability, and trustworthiness. Gray reinforces these qualities, evoking a sense of solidity and dependability that resonates with clients seeking a trustworthy logistics partner.
Yellow symbolizes the dynamic and vibrant nature of Salek's services, reflecting the company's commitment to delivering solutions with speed and agility.
The Results
By prominently showcasing its technological edge, Salek was able to differentiate itself from competitors and establish itself as the go-to choice for businesses seeking innovative logistical solutions. The brand identity served as a powerful tool in attracting clients and partners who valued innovation and efficiency.
Overall, Salek's brand identity not only reflected its unique position as the first systemized local logistics company but also highlighted its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible through technological innovation.
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Salek Logistics


Salek Logistics
