Addr is a fun, fast, and free math game for the iPhone.
Addr is my first venture into the mobile application development space. The development process was smooth, but the unexpected challenge was finding a simple yet intuitive user experience for the product.
I am an engineer by craft, and one of my guiding principles in building any product/solution is to “make it as simple as possible, but no simpler.” (Credit for that quote goes to Einstein, but I digress.)
I knew this app would only work if the design and interface were extremely simple, so I kept it as such: the only action needed during the entire experience is "swiping."
Huge credit goes to Fontfabric: the masterminds behind the beautiful “Code” font. I was stuck on the design for this app for quite a while – but right when I saw “Code”, I immediately had direction.


Good at math? Prove it. Addr is a fun, fast, and free math game for the iPhone. Suitable for all ages.
