Daniel Brennan's profile

God Save The World

Graphic Language Project: 
God save the World
This project was designed to test my knowledge and abilities on Graphic Language. The freedom to choose a topic and design a poster to communicate it with the added advantages of AR. With our world currently under the threat of climate change and immediate action needed I felt it was essential highlight this with a strong and clear message. My decision led to approaching the style of Punk, taking inspiration from Jamie Reid’s design of “God Save The Queen”. My research gathered the opinions of many people and a large percentage believe governments are not doing enough to support and make a change in our climate crisis. All the more reason why Punk proved the best art direction, it has the calling of “Get up and do it yourself” attitude. The visual of earth has been constructed in the same form of a pizza. We have cooked the planet, now we are taking it piece by piece, not so funny is it.
The AR animation goes through a series of acronyms, each one to represent key subject of climate change. Created using a range of typefaces to build each acronym, most typefaces used are my own designs. The overall animation in connection to my target audience followed inspiration and the same movement as the motion used for Marvel’s Loki. One of the most popular shows on Disney Plus, it creates the same feel to the audience to bring my objective to life reliably.
The creation of these individual acronyms to make this animation possible, involved me brainstorming keywords for each letter, connected the keywords and which ones related to each other, building individual groups. By doing this I managed to categories each group into a subject of climate such as Weather, Activism, Animals and Pollution etc. Each subject was then designed as an individual typeface to represent it. When putting the typefaces into the correct structured order it created wordmark variations for each subject. Outcome examples formed acronyms such as.

Fossil Fuels: Emissions, Air, Renewable, Technology, Humans

Pollution, Earth, Acidification, Recycle, Together, Help Nature

I found this very challenging but practical as 9/12 typefaces are my own designs, including a separate variation for presenting information in the poster. Illustrated using different tools and techniques including, calligraphy, stencilling and painting.

God Save The World


God Save The World
