Shoot 1
Favourite Images:
I particularly liked this image I took as through the way I shot this photo it aligns with the pathway and the sunlight peering through the trees. As well through using a lower angle capturing the shrubbery below too this allowed me to capture the bend of the trees and how they appeared to be leaning over one another making a sort of archway ahead on the pathway for on lookers. Although more successful than other photos captured, it could've still been improved through using the rule of 3rds technique in photography to let the photo appear more affective and have enough of each element in the photo rather than too much of the ground included, As well I could play around with my camera settings allowing the background light to be darker meaning the sky and clouds in the background would be displayed more clearly.  
I liked the way this photo came out as the sunlight from the sun setting shone through bouncing off of a couple trees in its path. However this photograph wasn't successful through the shutter speed and exposure not being correct causing the photograph to come out blurry and also too high exposure. 
This shoot proved to be successful through me not creating enough images on my walk and the images that were took were either blurry or unfocused. To improve on this for my future shoots I need to change my camera settings allowing the pictures to have the correct exposure and to be a fast enough shutter speed so my camera doesn't pick up the blurriness from capturing slow and my hands slightly shaking in the process. 
Shoot 1

Shoot 1



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