Problem: Currently as users we tend to overspend due to the cashless effect, however one feature speculated was to be able to see your bank balance while paying, similar to how you would when you see your wallet. Additionally the copy adds humor to humanize this experience further.
While my friends and I travel together we all start booking, sometimes we all get and one person has to end up cancelling their ride. What if we could create groups on Namma Yatri to communicate with our friends easily, split the bill according to our stop as well as book together. The location is shared throughout the group also ensuring the safety of passengers. 
Further one can also find rides to pool with people who are travelling to the same area.
What if there was an added feature where you could have a chef come home and cook a meal for you . This feature would be three types between home cooked food, gourmet food , and elite food. You can filter according to food items or chef ratings.
A feature for you to share airbnb properties with people while travelling alone. This not only allows you to make new friends, but also get the amenities of the entire property for a lot cheaper. 
Speculative UI


Speculative UI
