Chloe Yueng's profile

Four Seasons 四季

The Charms of the Four Seasons

In spring's cheerful dawn, flowers paint the earth in bloom,
Whispering promises of life, in their delicate perfume.

As summer's warmth enfolds, leaves clothe the world in green,
Casting shadows for us to lie, in the coolness unseen.

In autumn's rich embrace, fruits dangle from the bough,
Rewarding nature's cycle, with a bounty to endow.

And in winter's stark calm, snow drapes the land in white,
A silent sentinel, standing guard through the long night.

The fourfold seasons dance, a timeless ballet,
Each a chapter, in the story of life, ever-fleeting, yet so great.
Life is a journey through the four seasons of the soul, where each phase brings new colors and lessons to cherish.
Four Seasons 四季


Four Seasons 四季
