Imagaprint's profile

The August Picks 2014

From encapsulated folders with custom cut dividers, to product brochures and large format signage, August has been a busy month! As usual with our monthly portfolio posts, these are just a few chosen projects we have worked on that we think show our variety and skill set. 
We hope you enjoy having a look at the following work and we'll see you next month with a showcase of what we're working on currently.
Bostik: Large format sign for within their Stafford offices promoting their company aim to employees.
Bostik: Branded light box sign behind reception desk with vinyl gecko and lettering to the front of the reception desk.
Thames Valley CRC: The first in a set of 6 folders, we designed an encapsulated cover and custom cut dividers to house various information documents for the Thames Valley CRC. The design has been developed closely with the client to ensure it has the ability to be adapted to suit the other 6 folders still to be created. The idea is that the main colour with change to the other colours shown in the arrow graphic depending on what folder it is, this way the will be visibly different but still appear as a set.
Sealocrete: Based on their previous brochure design, we changed design elements, amended product info and re-designed the cover to bring the product guide up-to-date. The colour categories make it easy to navigate and the cover gives the booklet a more contemporary look.
You imagine, we create.
The August Picks 2014

The August Picks 2014

Bostik Thames Valley CRC Sealocrete
