"Scientists transform the unknown into the known, haul it in like fishermen; artists get you out into that dark sea..."
-Rebecca Solnik A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Hubble Deep Field from Hubble Space Telescope
Veligers taken with RISD stereomicroscope
          The National Science Foundation established the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) to advance rigorous, innovative scientific research and development throughout the United States. As part of Rhode Island Summer Undergraduate Research Program, I (BFA FD + BA Geological Sc. '17), Nicolas Baird (BA Science and Society + BA Visual Arts '14), and David Kim (MFA Digital + Media '14) under the guidance of the Director of the RISD Nature Lab, Neal Overstrom, represented a unique artistic perspective in the science community--visualizing scientific information through an experiential and engaging exhibition.
          Our contribution to marine research is a visual gallery to help visitors empathize with plankton (derived from "planktos" or "wanderer"), microorganisms fundamental to marine life. Through gigapixel stitching technology, interactive elements, and installations, the progression of the exhibit was to bridge the size gap, a primary barrier that causes desensitization and detachment despite the mindboggling ubiquity, diversity, and significance of phyto- and zoo- plankton.
Scientific Poster imbedded with three iPads presented at SURF Conference
Scientific Paper
Waterman Gallery Floor Plan made in Illustrator
First Room- Actual scale
process photos, panoramas of our collecting locations
Neal Overstrom and Nicolas Baird
Plankton Collecting Kit
Me pulling out a plankton net on a windy day
Nicolas Baird at India Point Park
Plankton pass through two plankton nets as they passively flow with the current
Silhouette of a crab zoea zooplankton can be found at bottom right of jar
Me looking at ctenophores under the stereomicroscope in RISD Nature Lab microscope facilities
First attempt at gigapixel stitching on photoshop of tilia stem cross-section
Second Room- Human Scale
large posters of stitched zooplankton, podium exhibiting four ipads (zoomable white field + dark field quilts of phyto- and zoo-plankton, white field video, and dark field video), containers filled with plankton as gifts for visitors
What seems like dust particles are actually individual plankon
Zoomable White Field Quilt on iPad
(some not taken by us)
Zoomable Dark Field Quilt on iPad
(some not taken by us)
Dark Field Video on iPad (HD coming soon)
White Field coming soon
(some not taken by us)
Adult Gammaridean amphipod (Monoculodes)
approx. 5mm
Zoea stage larva of a brachyuran crab (Brachyura)
approx. 1mm
Mysis stage of a clawed lobster (Nephropidae)
approx. 2mm
Zoea stage larva of a brachyuran crab (Brachyura)
approx. 1mm
coming soon
Third Room- Immersive Scale
projectors projecting video of ctenophores onto sheer tulle, audio made by Nicolas Baird
Ctenophore video on loop
Soundtrack coming soon
Photos of installation