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Branding Project for clothing line: Natural Simplicity

Branding for clothes shop
Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Year: March 2022
For me as a designer, crafting the branding project for a new women's clothing company focused on simplicity and natural elements was an exciting challenge. Our goal was to encapsulate the essence of the brand's philosophy through every visual element, from the logo to the marketing materials.

Several options were proposed and discussed with the company's art director in order to develop branding that truly reflected the company's vision.

Starting with the logo, we delved into the concept of "Simple Lines." We wanted the logo to be instantly recognizable yet understated, mirroring the straightforward elegance of the clothing line. We experimented with various line styles, ultimately settling on a minimalist design that evokes a sense of harmony and balance. 
Moodboard for stage of concept discussion of logo and branding strategy 
Translating this concept into tangible assets, such as business cards and clothing tags, required meticulous attention to detail. We carefully selected fonts, colors, and layouts that complemented the simplicity of the logo while reinforcing the brand's identity. Each element was thoughtfully crafted to convey a cohesive visual narrative, ensuring a seamless brand experience for customers. Drawing inspiration from nature's patterns, we incorporated subtle elements reminiscent of zebra stripes, tying the brand to the natural world and emphasizing its commitment to sustainability.

For the discount vouchers, we sought to showcase the brand's ethos through compelling imagery. By featuring real items from the collection, we aimed to give customers a glimpse into the brand's aesthetic – one characterized by natural simplicity and timeless design. These visuals were paired with messaging that emphasized the brand's commitment to creating clothing that celebrates women and supports sustainable practices.
Overall, as a designer, it was immensely gratifying to see the branding project come together cohesively, from concept development to execution. By infusing every aspect of the brand with our vision of simplicity and natural beauty, we created a brand identity that resonates with the target audience and sets the stage for success in the competitive fashion market.
Branding Project for clothing line: Natural Simplicity


Branding Project for clothing line: Natural Simplicity
