Soumodev Banerjee's profile

Career Scope as a Website Designer after 12th in India

Career Scope as a Website Designer after 12th in India
In the digital era, website designers play a key role in shaping the online landscape. If you’re intrigued by creativity, technology, and user experience, a career as a website designer might be your calling. Let’s explore the exciting journey of becoming a web designer after completing your 12th grade.

What Does a Website Designer Do?

A website designer crafts the visual and interactive elements of websites. Their responsibilities include:

1) Design Aesthetics: Creating visually appealing layouts, selecting fonts, colours, and images.

2) User Experience (UX): Ensuring seamless navigation and user-friendly interfaces.

3) Coding Skills: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and sometimes JavaScript for building web pages.

4) Responsive Design: Adapting websites for various devices (desktops, tablets, and mobiles).

Career Scope as a Website Designer after 12th in India

Career Scope as a Website Designer after 12th in India


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