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When do you buy an eternity ring?

When do you buy an eternity ring?
Eternity ring rings are a powerful symbol of stability and long-term love. But when is the best time to buy?

Consider These Four Key Points:
1. Wedding Engagement:
Many people choose an eternity band to celebrate their wedding day. The beaty of multiple diamonds can be hard to resist them as a wedding ring option, especially if the engagement ring has small diamonds included along its length.
2. The birth of a child:
Being a parent is an unforgettable experience. To commemorate this the purchase of an eternity ring is an excellent choice as a complement to wedding and engagement rings. In a sense it completes the set of engagement, wedding and childbirth
3. Renewal of Rights:

Couples who reaffirm their vows can use the eternity ring as a commemorative piece of that special occasion, and can represent the lasting bond of love.
4. Special Occasions:
Less popular but equally possible the eternity ring can also be used to commemorate other important events such as birthdays, anniversaries, or achievements, as an expression of gratitude and love for your spouse.

When do you buy an eternity ring?

When do you buy an eternity ring?
