Lucas Tucci's profile

Kutztown Printing Redesign

This project is for educational purposes only. Text, Audio, and Image content may have been appropriated from other sources under the "Fair Use" act of U.S. Copyright. The website redesign project challenged us students to research and dissect the local websites in the area, as well as popular ones. We were then instructed to redesign a website of our choice. The purpose of this project is to break down the process of website design and to create a redesign using that process.

Compared to other printing sites, Kutztown printing seemed grey and boring. It sells the same products as the other companies, yet the way it is presented on competitive websites is more exciting and draws more attention. The weaknesses from the original site included the buttons not feeling like buttons, the site being a little too grey, and also the navigation is a little outdated.

My objectives for this design was to keep the simple dynamic that the original site had, but enhancing the buttons, the logo, and the fonts to make things stand out a little more. I originally planned to change the color palette, but I decided to keep the palette and to add more of it to the website in subtle ways. For example, the footer bar being light blue, the buttons changing to blue when you hover and then pink when you click on it, and the box behind the slideshow being light blue. I also changed the color of the fonts from a light grey to black in order to make things more clear to the user.
Kutztown Printing Redesign

Kutztown Printing Redesign

This project is for Educational purposes only and is not intended for any other use besides that. All credits of information, logo, and graphics Read More
