Shared App
During the pandemic when in-person events came to a halt, PhotoTap event photography service decided to take their photo-sharing technology to the mainstream. Shared camera app was born and needed a brand, app screens, website and promotional social posts to introduce and educate the masses about a new, innovative way of sharing photos. The website is no longer in service, but the company is welcoming investors to take the project to new heights.
Shared. app Screens for the App Store
Shared. Teaser Animation
Shared. Social Media Post Campaign - The Problems with Photo Sharing
This campaign addresses the frustrations related to photo sharing when gathering with a group of friends or family and suggests an easier way to share images. Using familiar imagery of group gatherings of males, females, coworkers and family and real-life group text messages helps the viewer recognize situations where group photo sharing becomes a problem.
Shared. Social Media Post Campaign - Our need for photos instantly.
Uber eats, overnight shipping, direct deposit, Apple music... technology has conditioned us to instant gratification in every part of our lives. This campaign helps the viewer recognize their own behavior and why we need a better way to share photos.
Shared. Social Media Post Campaign - For the Holidays.
Shared. Social Media Post Campaign - For laughs and sharing.
Shared. App


Shared. App
