Lawrence Fischer's profile

10 Central | Tenth District Intranet, Federal Reserve

10 Central is the Intranet site for employees of the Tenth District (10J) of the Federal Reserve System. There are four branches in the Tenth District which represents seven states, including western Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Colorado and northern New Mexico. The head office is in Kansas City with branches in Omaha, Oklahoma City and Denver.
10 Central was selected as the brand for the intranet site representing a central hub for corporate news, communications and resources. I developed the logo to represent the four separate offices as one entity unified by corporate mission and strategy. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS6 were utilized as production tools for the logo and branding.
Four separate logos of the same design but different color schemes were developed to potentially represent the four separate offices. The Redesign Production Team decided to adhere to a stricter branding unified under one color scheme.
Since this was a redesign and re-brand of the Bank's intranet, we had an audience of users for testing. Personas were developed and user testing was performed to improve the information architecture, navigation, usability and aesthetics. Preliminary paper sketches and rough drawings were then transferred to wireframes for further testing and paper prototyping.
Wireframes were then further developed into low and high-fedility comps and mockups. These comps were then presented to the user group for final review, testing and feedback. These wireframes and comps, along with mood boards and styling tiles acted as a blue print for development and styling. Wireframes and comps were designed and produced in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS6.
In collaboration with the development team, I utilized my HTML5 and CSS3 skills to contribute on the front-end development and styling of the pages. A style guide and mood board that I had developed provided consistent specifications of color, fonts, spacing and styling.
Originally, the production team had selected two possible concepts for the intranet site from a long list of options identified in brainstorming sessions. 10 Central and Take 10 were selected for further conceptual development. I created logos for each concept and presented the logos to Senior Management for final selection and approval.
Additional wireframe examples that were created for user testing and preliminary rough comps for production.
One of the features most requested by users was social engagement; the ability to like, share and comment on news and information posts. The redesign production team took great pride in delivering these capabilities to users which have responded favorably.
10 Central was completed and launched in December of 2013 and has recieved very favorable reviews from employees across the District, Senior Management and colleagues across the Federal Reserve System. Additional enhancement to add functionality are being designed and developed in iterative phases in an Agile process.
10 Central | Tenth District Intranet, Federal Reserve

10 Central | Tenth District Intranet, Federal Reserve

Redesign of the Tenth Federal Reserve District's intranet site and branding. As part of a collaborative development team, I assisted with persona Read More
