Irfan Ali kakar's profile

Harmony Lanes: Suburban Apartments

Harmony Lanes: Suburban Apartments
I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a recurring client who needed a complete design (exterior and floor plans) for a set of apartments in the US, and the catch was that we had to deliver it all within a tight 96-hour timeframe. With a budget of $2000, I took on this challenge and proved that quality and accuracy can indeed thrive under pressure.
Displaying a common garden area, this view emphasizes shared green spaces that serve as social hubs for residents. The thoughtful planting and seating areas suggest an environment where neighbors can connect in a serene setting.
The project features a pedestrian pathway flanked by modern townhouses. The design integrates communal benches and vibrant landscaping, fostering a sense of community and inviting residents to enjoy the outdoor spaces.
Featuring the apartment complex that showcases its contemporary design, this image accentuates the combination of modern materials and design with traditional aspects of community living.
The harmony between private and communal spaces within the project. The architectural design balances privacy with open areas, allowing for social interaction without compromising individual comfort.
Emphasizing the warm, inviting glow of the apartments against the sky, suggesting a safe and peaceful environment.
Harmony Lanes: Suburban Apartments


Harmony Lanes: Suburban Apartments
