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Dog owners today are taking a more active role in the health of their pets. This has led to a surge in demand for pet calming products such as CBDs. According to Future Marketing Insights (FMI), in 2022, the market for pet calming products globally was valued at $15.51 billion. FMI expects it to reach $28.83 billion in 2033, rising at a compounded annual growth rate of 5.8 percent over the next decade.

Pets too experience anxiety, stress, and aggression. Dogs, for example, develop behavioral issues when they are separated from their owners or when there is excessive noise. When they are sick, they may feel pain, discomfort, itching, nausea, or sleeplessness. Calming products like CBD can help with these symptoms.

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is an ingredient extracted from marijuana or hemp plants. The ingredient, in the form of an oil, has medicinal properties and is approved in many states for use by humans to relieve depression, pain, and discomfort. CBD contains little to no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. As such, CBD does not cause a “high.”

Studies of the benefits of CBDs for pets like dogs are few, but early results are promising. They show that CBDs can help dogs experiencing anxiety, stress, arthritis pain, and digestive issues.

Regarding pain, a study by Cornell University involved veterinary researchers administering CBDs to dogs with osteoarthritis. Results showed over 80 percent of them felt a decrease in pain. For anxiety and stress, there are many studies showing CBDs relieve stress and anxiety in dogs. One study by Cornell University showed that 83 percent of dogs given CBDs showed reduced rates of stress and anxiety, while an Australian study showed CBDs can reduce aggression in dogs placed in shelters.

There are even studies showing CBDs can help dogs that get seizures. A study by researchers at Colorado State University showed that 89 percent of dogs with epilepsy or seizure disorders recorded fewer seizures when they took CBDs alongside anti-seizure medication. Additional studies show CBDs help dogs reduce inflammation and nausea.
Notably, while early studies show positive results with current ailments, there are still no significant studies on the long term effects of CBDs on pets. This is why the American Veterinary Medical Association advises pet owners to consult with their veterinarians before giving their dogs CBDs. While doing so, they must also be cautious of the CBD products they are giving their pets.

Pet CBDs come in several forms, such as oil drops and treats. The American Kennel Club (AKC) urges dog owners purchasing CBD products to only use those with a National Animal Supplement Council Seal of Quality of Assurance.

Further, they should seek out products that have been tested by a third party laboratory and have a certificate of analysis indicating the product’s list of ingredients, CBD potency, and potential presence of pesticides or mycotoxins. Dog owners should never give their pets CBD products that are edible by humans, as these may contain significant amounts of THC or artificial sweeteners like xylitol which are toxic to dogs.

Further, rather than starting dogs with high CBD dosages, AKC recommends starting with 0.1-0.2 milligrams of CBD per kilogram (of the dog’s weight). Once the dog becomes used to the product, the owner can increase the dosage from there. If the dog gets side effects like diarrhea, drowsiness, dry mouth, vomiting, rapid breathing, or decrease in heart rate or blood pressure, dog owners should stop giving the dog CBD products and have it looked at by a veterinarian.
Top Snowboarding Destinations around the World

Top Snowboarding Destinations around the World
