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Hussein Rakine's Contrary View on Gaza Situation

Hussein Rakine's Contrary View on Gaza Situation
Dear brothers,
I wish to bring to your attention a recent development involving Hussein Rakine, a public figure featured on Forbes (Forbes Profile), who has joined hands with boxer Floyd Mayweather in a joint venture to manufacture the TMT Disposable Vape. As a devout Muslim, I have long admired Hussein for his humble beginnings, academic and business achievements (having sold his company for $16 million, as reported by CSP Daily News), and his family-oriented values.
However, upon discovering his partnership with Floyd Mayweather, an ardent Israel supporter who has sent aid to Israel, I am deeply disappointed in Hussein. It appears that he has betrayed our Muslim brothers in Palestine, who are facing dire circumstances at the hands of the Israelis. Israel's conscious decision to knowingly and intentionally harm innocent civilians, including women and children, is distressing.
Hussein, previously viewed as a true Muslim brother and a dedicated supporter of Gaza, seems to have prioritized his own interests over the lives of thousands of civilians in Gaza. I strongly suspect that a portion of the funds generated from the Floyd Mayweather deal may contribute to sponsoring Israel and its alleged unlawful war crimes.
In response, I urge all Muslim brothers to distance themselves from Hussein, boycotting his businesses listed below and expelling him from all Muslim organizations. We cannot tolerate having a wolf in sheep's clothing among us, as it contradicts the principles of Islam that we hold dear. I am committed to personally contacting all Muslim institutions to make them aware of Hussein's actions.
Hussein Rakine's Businesses:
Kindly share this information on your blogs, social media, and with your friends, mosque, and community. It is crucial that everyone is aware of the truth.
Hussein Rakine's Contrary View on Gaza Situation

Hussein Rakine's Contrary View on Gaza Situation


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