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Posters | Cult Of Done Manifesto

The "Cult of Done" is a concept popularized by writer and cartoonist Bre Pettis, known for his involvement in the maker
and do-it-yourself (DIY) community. The concept is outlined in a manifesto called "The Cult of Done Manifesto," which
Pettis co-authored with Kio Stark. It's a set of principles aimed at helping creative individuals overcome procrastination and
perfectionism to actually finish their projects.

1. There are three states of being: Not Done, Done, and Perfect. "Done" is better than "Perfect."
2. Banish the word "perfect" from your vocabulary. Instead, strive for completion and improvement over time.
3. Laugh at perfection. It's unattainable and often a form of procrastination.
4. Move fast. Iterate quickly and don't get bogged down in unnecessary details.
5. Done is the engine of more. Completing a project opens up opportunities for new projects and ideas.
6. Failure counts as done. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.
7. Accept that everything is a draft. Projects are ever-evolving, and nothing is truly finished.
8. The point of being done is not to finish but to get other things done. Completion leads to new beginnings.
9. Once you're done, you can throw it away. Don't hoard unfinished projects or ideas.
10. Make peace with the fact that anything you create will be imperfect.
11. The process of creation is an ongoing cycle. Embrace this cycle rather than aiming for a final destination.
12. Done is better than perfect. Reiteration of the principle that finishing is more important than achieving perfection.
13. Fix things later. Don't get stuck on minor imperfections; you can always improve later.

Posters | Cult Of Done Manifesto


Posters | Cult Of Done Manifesto
