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Whispers of Sand and Spice: The Interiors of Arrakis

Whispers of Sand and Spice: The Interiors of Arrakis - Dune design study
Dune: Part two movie has been released in cinemas, therefore I decided to create some interors in the style of the movie set design and decoration. I tried to make a perfect representation of the planet Arrakis and get inspired by the dunes and sand. To recreate the mesmerizing artistic approach and bring the outside world inside the interior I used natural finishes and textures.

The Dining Hall of Prophecy:
A round table dominates the center of the space. It's surface, polished like a desert mirror, reflects the faces of those who gather around it. Matching chairs invite for conversation. Here in this room, alliances are forged and destinies entwined.
The feast is both sustenance and ritual. Spiced melange breads crackle as they’re torn apart. Harvested fruits—sapho melons, desert figs, and sandberries—overflow from platters. And in delicate glass cups, the Water of Life shimmers, promising visions.

The Foyer of Whispers:
As you step across the threshold, the air changes. It carries the scent of melange, the spice that fuels empires and unlocks hidden truths. The walls, rough-hewn and etched with ancient symbols, seem to pulse with energy. A single crysknife hangs on display—a reminder of survival in the unforgiving desert.
The floor, mosaic-like, and the rug mirrors the dunes outside. Each material tells a story—a Fremen legend, a forgotten prophecy. And above, a chandelier of crystal shards refracts sunlight, casting rainbows on the stone.

The Water Oasis:
In the heart of the palace, a shallow basin beckons. Water, precious and scarce, ripples gently. Its surface reflects the sky, the shifting sands, and the faces of those who seek solace. Guests dip their fingers, savoring its coolness, as if touching the very essence of Arrakis.
Hidden alcoves hold spice-infused incense. Press a certain stone, and a panel opens, revealing ancient scrolls—the wisdom of generations preserved in fragile parchment.

The Minimalistic Lounge:
Low-slung cushions line the curved walls. Their fabric are like a blend of desert hues, cradles weary bodies. The ceiling, a vast dome of translucent material, allows filtered sunlight to spill through. It’s as if the room floats, suspended between sky and earth.
Sparse adornments—a single tapestry depicting sandworms in sinuous dance—whisper tales of nomadic wanderers. The room hums with secrets, and the horizon blurs through arched windows, merging sand and sky.

Whispers of Sand and Spice: The Interiors of Arrakis

Whispers of Sand and Spice: The Interiors of Arrakis
