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Dynamic Poster Generator (Creative Coding)

The Dynamic Graphic Poster Generator is a creative tool built using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding and visualization. It allows users to generate dynamic and abstract graphic posters by interacting with the canvas.
Upon loading the application, a canvas is created to cover the entire window area, with a black background. 
The setup function initializes the program by populating two arrays: lines and dots. It creates 100 CurvedLine objects positioned at the center of the canvas, each assigned a random color.
In the draw function, the program iterates through both arrays, updating and rendering each object.
The update function slightly modifies the position of the lines, creating a dynamic effect. The display function then renders the lines as curved bezier curves with varying transparency based on their initial color.
The display function renders red dots at their specified positions, with random sizes between 5 and 20 pixels.
Interaction: Users can interact with the canvas by clicking on it. Upon a click event, the mouseClicked function is triggered. Depending on a random probability, either a new Dot or a new CurvedLine object is added to the canvas at the position of the mouse click.
If a Dot is added, it appears as a random-sized red dot at the clicked position.
If a CurvedLine is added, it extends from the clicked position to a random end point, creating a red curved line with dynamic movement.

Users can experiment with different interactions by clicking on the canvas, adding a variety of curved lines and dots.
Colors and sizes can be adjusted by modifying parameters within the code.

The Dynamic Graphic Poster Generator serves as a playful and interactive tool for generating abstract graphic compositions. It encourages exploration and experimentation, allowing users to create unique visual experiences with each interaction.
Dynamic Poster Generator (Creative Coding)


Dynamic Poster Generator (Creative Coding)
