The Vapor Vault

"Speculative Mindset" was a transformative group project that honed my skills in teamwork, innovation, strategic thinking, and problem-solving. Initially, we embarked on this journey with a sense of uncertainty, unsure of our destination or trajectory. Our task was to envision a world a decade into the future, considering sensitive and contentious topics like the environment.

To comprehend the future, we delved into the past, tracing major environmental disruptions and their causes over the previous decade. Through collaborative and individual research, we identified several areas where intervention was crucial. Ultimately, we converged on the pressing issue of water scarcity.

Recognizing the complexity of the issue, we decided to focus our efforts on India, a demographic significantly impacted by drought and floods. This led us to a pivotal insight: what if excess water from regions experiencing heavy rainfall could be redirected to drought-stricken areas? While existing research had explored similar concepts, they remained confined to paper.

This realization birthed the concept of the Vapor Vault—a drone designed to capture water molecules and cloud particles in areas of abundant rainfall and transport them to designated storage facilities. This innovative solution not only addresses water scarcity but also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations.

The Vapor Vault represents a fusion of creativity, research, and practicality. It epitomizes our commitment to leveraging technology for positive environmental impact and underscores the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. Through this project, I not only deepened my understanding of complex global challenges but also gained invaluable experience in translating ideas into tangible solutions.

Vapor Vault

Vapor Vault
