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Pictogram guide system for Cărturești identity

Informational pictogram guide system for Cărturești identity (bookstore chain brand) proposal
Sistem informațional prin pictograme pentru Librăriile Cărturești

Project realized: 2012
Technique: sketches - pencil, paper-, graphic tablet, Adobe illustrator, Adobe photoshop

The project proposes a series of guiding pictograms build on the bookstor's identity, organizing and personalizing their departments, books categories, spaces/reading spaces, promotions/ products, shops/ coffee shops, and any bookstore content/branch to help customers by improving their experience at the bookstore regardless their visit purpose.
The information system develops and complements the visual identity of the brand.

Pictogram guide system for Cărturești identity


Pictogram guide system for Cărturești identity

Informational pictogram guide system for Cărturești identity (bookstore chain brand) proposal Sistem informațional prin pictograme pentru Librări Read More
