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Branding + Website for Qila

Identity & Website design for web 3.0 blockchain onboarding company
Aesthetic & Attitude, As ‘Fungible Tokens’ For A Game-chaging Technology
Changes made to the previous Qila website and logo were substantial - from an overly busy to minimalist design language; and from an aesthetic that was ‘playful’, to one that was intriguing and compelling.
As a brand Qila identifies itself as a leader in unlocking the revolutionary potential of Blockchain and Tokenization. The ‘Q’ logo is a strong and iconic identity builder - originating from the first letter in Qila, but also incorporating a Cube - or block - which is a recurring signature graphic underscoring the power of Blockchain.

An Arabic word also used in various Indo-Iranian languages, the term Qila means 'fort'. As a service provider Qila 'fortifies' immutable trust and transparency.

A Shift, From Catchy To Compelling
The aesthetic of the previous version of the Qila website leant towards taking a friendly and affable approach. While this is never a bad attitude to exude for a service provider, the vivid and intrepid persona of the new version is a more accurate reflection of the sweeping changes that the brand is capable of ushering in.
Branding + Website for Qila


Branding + Website for Qila
