I had fascinating and creative experience at the Vasl Arts Residency, exploring the interaction between rust, metal, and the unique environmental conditions of Karachi. The incorporation of the salty and sweaty atmosphere from the nearby Arabian Sea into my artistic process adds a distinctive and authentic touch of my observations.
The idea of placing metal plates on the rooftop to expose them to the elements, allowing them to rust naturally, is a captivating way to blend the forces of nature with artistic expression. The random lines and patterns that emerge on the metal surface, resembling something old and weathered, contribute to a sense of authenticity and effortlessness.
Rust sepia and muslin on the metal plates further enhances the visual impact, creating a blend of real and unreal elements. The transformation of the metal into shapes that evoke birds and other forms adds an intriguing layer of symbolism and interpretation to your work.
I've taken inspiration from the environment and climate of Karachi, turning the challenges posed by the sea and the weather into integral components of artistic process. This approach not only reflects a deep connection to mine surroundings but also results in a unique and evocative artistic expression. The convergence of natural elements, artistic intervention, and the narrative embedded in the rusty metal plates makes for a compelling and thought-provoking piece.
rust sepia

rust sepia
