Thorne Osborne's profile

pleased to meet you.

please to meet you.
This is my first project in Mr. Kidwell's "Graphic Processes" class. We had to take several pictures based on three words we used to describe ourselves, and we touched them up in Photoshop, and then we combined them all in InDesign. After that, we printed them all on both sides to make a finished 12 x 18 piece. Below is my result. The three words I used were "ambient", "urban", and "abstract". I also put my school email and my YouTube channel handle in there as well. 

Tools and methods used: Photoshop, InDesign, digital photography, overprinting
Two views of my face...
Here are my three words. I chose "ambient" because my mood is sadly but truthfully dependent on my surroundings, I was going to use "chill" but there are plenty of times where I am not doing chill (and the teacher was very vocally against that word). I also chose "urban" because it feels like more of a neutral form of "ghetto", and I think it fits. My final word is "abstract" since I have a more unorthodox way of doing many things, including my art, which is mostly avant-garde and experimental. 
A view of the front. My school email and YouTube handle are visible here. The yellow background image represents "ambient", I steep in my environment as the yellow image steeps within the composition. The cyan image represents "urban", because I wore my most fashionable items while posing next to my car, which embodies an inner city mindset, and the magenta image represents "abstract", for I wore abstract clothing, like a hoodie full of Chinese characters describing lemonade nutrition facts, and a hi visibility vest.
A view of both sides of the final piece. I chose a cross and the phrase "praise God" because I am a Christian, and I take my faith very seriously, despite my circumstances. 
a GIF of the unfolding process of the finished piece. It's supposed to be a "French fold" 
pleased to meet you.

pleased to meet you.
