Marcio Moreira BJJ
(Ralph Gracie Pleasanton)

"The Ask" was for a comprehensive strategy to increase awareness of the Marcio Moreira Academy (Pleasanton Ralph Gracie), drive brand loyalty, and grow the number of BJJ practitioners. This includes developing an overarching creative concept, reworking the brand and website, executing social media campaigns, creating digital assets such as biopics, tutorials, and testimonials, and implementing advertising strategies. It also involves leveraging local events for promotions and audience engagement.
Strong Message Weak Logo
The Old
Just as a chef expertly reduces a sauce to enhance its flavor
we've distilled the essence of our old logo,
Concentrating our Identity and Impact.
Consistency is like gravity – silent, unseen, yet powerful enough to keep everything in place and moving forward.
Authenticity is the soil in which the seed of self-improvement thrives; it's in being true to ourselves that we find the room to grow.
A strong brand's advertising doesn't just speak; it echoes, amplifying its strength across every message it sends.
Our rebranding for MMBJJ was a tale of evolution and impact
Like a phoenix rising, we transformed perceptions, breathing new life into the brand. 
The result? A staggering 499,900% surge in website traffic, testament to the magnetic pull of authenticity and innovation. In the end, we didn't just change a logo; 
we sparked a revolution in brand identity.
Thank You.
Adapt or Tap

Adapt or Tap
