All Paws On Deck was a fundraising initiative, information drive, and adoption campaign held from February 2022 to May 2022 for the course Civil Welfare and Training Service at the University of the Philippines Diliman - College of Mass Communication. The beneficiary was the Balay Kaibigan, the university's center for community animals.

I took charge of the project's visual identity and overall strategy. We created an independent Facebook page for this program, but we were also cross-posting on the Facebook page of the Balay Kaibigan's organizers.
To aid direct donations (left), the project team sold books on the e-commerce platform Shopee (middle). Once the period for fundraising had ended, we released a "Thank You" poster (right).
The adoption campaign took on the form of profiles for each of the pets at the shelter. The copy and photos were provided by the organizers of Balay Kaibigan.
We also conducted an information drive about animal care to bolster attention for both the fundraising initiative and adoption campaign. Apart from the design, I also did the research and wrote the copy for them.
The project generated funds, which the team turned over to Balay Kaibigan in kind as food, pet toys, and other supplies. Moreover, throughout the duration, the project's own platform had a reach of 2.2 thousand on Facebook.
All Paws On Deck


All Paws On Deck
