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Best Tooth Filling Treatment In KPHB|Arcus

A Few Things to Consider Before Getting a Tooth Filling.
Tooth filling is a fundamental dental procedure designed to preserve and restore teeth affected by decay. The choice of filling material, the procedure itself, and aftercare considerations play vital roles in the success of the treatment. Regular dental check-ups and open communication with your dentist ensure optimal oral health and a confident smile.
Tooth Coloured Fillings And Pit And Fissure Sealants
Pits and Fissures are areas that trap food particles easily, making them prone to cavities over time. Molar and premolar teeth are the most vulnerable areas for cavities to develop. They are often difficult to brush and clean properly, making them more susceptible to caries.
Pit and Fissure sealant acts as a physical barrier that helps prevent food particles, bacteria, and plaque from settling in hard-to-reach areas.
What Is The Procedure For Sealants Application?
Sealants are usually made of tooth-coloured resin material to give a natural look and are absolutely painless. Steps in sealant application involve:
Tooth preparation
Rinsing and drying
Sealant application
To Whom Are Pit and Fissure Sealants Recommended?
Pit and fissure sealant is recommended for people who have developed cavities, a high risk of developing caries, and medical, physical, or intellectual disabilities, mostly when dental problems jeopardize systemic health. Sealants prevent further tooth decay. It is commonly placed on children, adolescents, and young adults' chewing surfaces, newly erupted teeth, and recently started carious lesions. They are also beneficial for adults who have deep grooves on their molars that are difficult to clean.
What Are the Contradictions for Sealant Application?
Existing deep cavities
Teeth with dental restoration
Allergy or sensitivity
If you are considering sealants, consult your dentist to determine whether they are appropriate for your situation and discuss any potential contradictions that may apply to you.
What Are the Tooth Filling Materials?
Modern dentistry uses several kinds of materials for tooth fillings.
 1. Metal Filling:
Composition: A traditional choice composed of metals, including mercury, silver, tin, and copper.
Durability: It is known for its strength and longevity, making it suitable for various dental restorations.
Cost-effective: generally more affordable compared to tooth-coloured alternatives.
Visibility: It is more noticeable due to its silver appearance, which may be a consideration for those concerned about aesthetics.
2. Amalgam Filling:
Specific Metal Type: A type of metal filling composed of a mixture similar to traditional metal fillings.
Widespread Use: Widely utilized in dentistry for its durability and resistance to wear.
Safety: Considered safe for most patients despite containing mercury.
Suitability: Commonly used for restoring molars and premolars where appearance is less critical.
3. Porcelain Filling:
Tooth-Coloured Option: An aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional metal fillings.
Material: composed of porcelain or ceramic, matching the natural colour of teeth.
Resistance to Staining: resistant to staining, providing a durable and discreet restoration.
Suitability: Ideal for visible areas, such as front teeth, where appearance is a significant concern.
4. Glass Ionomer Filling:
Glass Component: Contains a glass component, providing a translucent appearance.
Fluoride Release: releases fluoride over time, aiding in preventing further decay.
Common Use: Often used for small to medium cavities and in low-pressure areas.
Appearance: They are generally less noticeable, making them suitable for aesthetic concerns in specific situations.
5. Composite Resin Filling:
Tooth-Coloured Composite: A tooth-coloured filling composed of plastic and fine glass particles.
Bonding: It bonds directly to the tooth, providing excellent support and strength.
Aesthetics: It blends seamlessly with natural tooth colour, making it ideal for visible teeth.
Advancements: improved longevity and resistance compared to earlier versions.
Understanding the characteristics and considerations of each type of filling empowers individuals to make informed decisions based on their unique preferences and dental needs. Consulting with a dentist is crucial for personalized recommendations and optimal oral health.
The choice of filling depends on the location of the filling, oral health, the size of the cavity, and the dentist’s recommendation.
Modern dentistry uses high-strength tooth-coloured materials.
Arrest cavity progression with sealants at ARCUS, a tooth-filling clinic in KPHB. Among the array of services provided at ARCUS Dental Clinic, our skilled dentists specialise in tooth-coloured fillings, covering tooth gaps, and applying sealants.
Get More Details:
Email: arcusclinichyd@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9032802805

Best Tooth Filling Treatment In KPHB|Arcus

Best Tooth Filling Treatment In KPHB|Arcus
