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What’s Cookin’ in 2024?

A November 2023 article from the online magazine Chronicle announced the new cooking trends for the year 2024. The food trends that consumers might adopt include cooking pies with Middle Eastern flavors and celeriac, a root vegetable.

From the Middle East, Borek pies might land on more menus in 2024. The pies have a crust similar to the Greek spanakopita, but the filling differs. Borek pies have fillings that include ground meat, potatoes, cheese, or spinach. Then, cooks can bake or fry the flaky pastry.

In terms of vegetables, consumers might use celeriac more in their dishes. Celeriac is the root vegetable part of the celery plant. It has a texture similar to potatoes and turnips with hints of celery flavor. In a February 2020 Taste of Home article, experts stated that celeriac can become an alternative to potatoes in creamy root vegetable soups. Experts predict that this root, balanced with sweet and earthy flavors, will gain popularity with consumers who cook in 2024.

What’s Cookin’ in 2024?

What’s Cookin’ in 2024?
