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7 Creative Strategies

7 Creative Strategies
In my graphic design class, we were instructed to learn about the 7 creative strategies which were juxtaposition, combination, isolation, metaphor or simile, change of context or environment, physical/shape similarity, and material change, swap, or focus. 

I enjoyed this project because it taught us a lot about how to approach problems and generate ideas freshly and innovatively. Each creative strategy is a different perspective. You break away from conventional thinking and it challenges you. 
COMBINATION: I combined a butterfly with flowers because they make some sort of sense together but are not the same. 
ISOLATION: This strategy focuses the viewer on an element in a composition by separating it visually from its surroundings.
JUXTAPOSITION: I chose to replace the butterfly body with a pencil because they are unexpected objects that surprise the viewer. It highlights the differences between the two.
MATERIAL CHANGE: I chose to swap out the butterfly wings to be filled with stitched string. It swaps a material property that we are accustomed to with another. 
METAPHOR: I chose to place butterflies on the girls stomach because it shows us that she has butterflies in her stomach. A popular metaphor we all know. Focusing on the meaning of the image created with my object choice as it relates to something else. 
SHAPE SIMILARITY: I chose hearts to replace the butterfly wings as it is a similar shape to the wings showcasing the connections between the two objects that normally don't connect.
CHANGE OF ENVIRONMENT: I put a butterfly underwater. It shows contrast of the object with the unnatural or uncommon environment to highlight the concept or communicate an idea.
7 Creative Strategies


7 Creative Strategies
