I was given the assignment to think of an everyday object, one that I use everyday, and create an advertising campaign for that object using Photoshop and the Six Creative Strategies. Those strategies are: Combination/Juxtaposition, Isolation, Metaphor or Simile, Change of Context or Environment, Physical/Shape Similarity, and Material Change, Swap, or Focus. For my everyday object I chose scissors. I am always using them at least once a day and I knew that is what I wanted to use as my object. I had a lot of fun designing these compositions and I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I had fun making them.
Ballet dancers have extremely muscular and strong legs. I wanted to simulate that by using scissors for the legs and the top of a ballerina for the body. I had to use the clone tool to bring more coverage around the top of the scissors.
I think this is where surgical scissors go to die. There are hundreds in this photo, but only one is shining, the one wearing pink. This was difficult to isolate just one pair of scissors in such a huge group. I used the selection tool to isolate the one pair of scissors and changed the hue/saturation on it. I had to clean up around the edges with the eraser tool.
This is the classic "cutting the cheese" idea and I just love it! This is always good for a laugh. I found a photo that a pork chop that was being cut. I layered the cheese in as a smart object and made sure the scissors looked as if they were actually cutting the cheese. I added drop shadows under the cheese slice.
When I originally had the idea for this design I was just going to substitute the beaks for the baby birds. Then I found these adorable scissors and used them instead. I selected a large area for the next and copied and pasted to have the baby birds sit in the nest.
I saw an idea for this design using airplanes and I thought it was genius for a pair of scissors. I was able to arrange an open pair of scissors on a canvas and add a drop shadow. I selected the star from another photo and added it to the top and added a drop shadow for depth. I love how it turned out!
This rusty pair of fabric scissors have been repurposed by being hand on a clock. I had to remove the original hands on the clock and then repair the background by using the clone tool. I added a drop shadow on the clock and the scissors to show the scissors aren't laying on the clock.
In conclusion, this was a surprisingly fun project for me to complete and I enjoyed seeing the creative ideas my classmates were able to design as well.
Six Scissors

Six Scissors


Creative Fields