Kauê Luz's profile

Metaverso: DJ Kéu

Project: DJ Kéu

One of the gifts I received from working on Rock In Rio, is, without a doubt, the privilege of participating in the creative area of other projects connected with the event. And one of these projects is the post-production of the 3D character from the Metaverse world of SEARA with DJ Kéu!
DJ Kéu is one of the characters of the FreeQueenC Band, a project developed in collaboration with the EchoaIn the real world, Kéu was portrayed by Rebecca Rautmann.
he actress wore sensors on her body during the live recording for the perfect capture of the character, all in real time! Follow details of the making of the event.
Before and After (3D Process)
Making of
Beyond Music
The post-production of DJ Kéu is a consequence of previous work done in conjunction with the Rock In Rio team, as Seara, the official sponsor of the event, built a musical presentation in the Metaverse world. During the show, the DJ commanded the sound on stage. She was the first influencer to perform a live show in the Metaverse in Brazil!

In addition to overseeing the entire process, I was responsible for post-producing the images of the influencer, adding the final touches to some details. The character's ideation was created by the artist Anderson Mahanski, with the participation of over 20 artists from Echoa Land.
Team and Acknowledgments

Of the more than 20 professionals involved, here are the companies and professionals I had contact with:
Client: Seara Gourmet
CEO Echoa: Rodrigo Portaro
Designer: Anderson Mahanski
Creative Director: Jean Campos
Post production: Kauê Luz
Generalist 3D: Mechanical Cats
Sound Designer: Guto Teixeira

I thank each one of you for the invitation and for trusting in my work!
Metaverso: DJ Kéu


Metaverso: DJ Kéu
