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Female consumers, the eternal growth of the brand

Female consumers, the eternal growth of the brand
The most important thing is Article 4, consumers in the market refer to each other. This is the key for most new product companies to successfully launch into the market.
Among them, young women are the most representative. For example, for the popular beauty products on the Xiaohongshu App, the ladies would either post to ask for recommendations for exquisite products, or show off the buyers’ exquisite lifestyles.
With mutual reference, they also contribute to the brand's reputation fission and rapid rise.
Perfect Diary has grabbed the bonus. As early as September 2019, Perfect Diary launched a batch of new products. In this month, it promoted 1-2 of its products on Xiaohongshu.
At one time, Perfect Diary had more than 1 million fans on Xiaohongshu, and the number of notes taken by ladies and sisters reached 100,000+. This helped Perfect Diary become Tmall’s first cosmetics brand with sales exceeding 100 million that year, and its all-day performance made it the first domestic brand to top Tmall’s Double 11 cosmetics list.

2. Capture 400 million female consumers
In view of the consumption behavior characteristics of female HE Tuber  consumers, brands that play with her economy should also work hard on products, self-pleasant scenes, and building brand trust.
In terms of products, for example, the maternal and infant brand bebebus. The reason why this domestic brand can stand out among foreign maternal and infant brands is that the exquisiteness and practicality of the products are the key.
In the field of traditional baby strollers, brands generally design the backrest to be supported by a tube body. Generally, there are two tube bodies side by side. A slightly better one is three tube bodies.
The biggest benefit of doing this is that it can reduce product costs, ultimately lower the sales price, and gain more potential users in the market.
However, in order to improve the safety of the stroller, bebebus abandoned the traditional method and chose to use an injection-molded large backrest. Of course, this will ultimately increase the sales price of the product, which is even 2-3 times more expensive than its peers.
Surprisingly, bebebus also sold well.
Surveys have long shown that when maternal and infant families purchase maternal and infant products, 74.8% and 39.5% of them attach importance to product quality and materials respectively, while only 33.0% attach importance to price.
This means that most maternal and infant families would rather spend more money to buy high-quality maternal and infant products with guaranteed quality.
Most of the maternal and infant consumers are female consumers. In the face of price, they pay more attention to the exquisiteness and practicality of products.
In addition, in terms of pleasing oneself, it means pleasing oneself - in other words, whether your product, or the solution provided by your product, improves the experience of female consumers.
As mentioned above, apart from their own self-identity, women enjoy themselves more from social interaction. They are more willing to share their lives, and they are eager to show off their products to gain face and have people like them when posting on their WeChat Moments.
Former Alibaba CEO Wei Zhe also said before that your product must be postable and allow users to take the initiative to post on WeChat Moments.
Then, good looks become the key. A female friend around me said that "looking good" is one of the most wonderful experiences. If you don’t believe me, try it if you look good.
On the basis of ensuring the function of the product, the appearance and experience are also what female consumers desire.
Take bebebus as well, how to design the experience? We need to trust the less complex parts of human nature. For this generation of new mothers, “parenting” provides them with new topics and scenarios to share on social media.
Young mothers born in the 1990s and 1995s are more willing to share their new identities and lives as "new mothers" rather than just "showing off their babies more beautifully." Moreover, most of them are well-educated, have high aesthetic awareness, and have higher requirements for product design, appearance, and packaging.
Pregnancy and childbirth do not seem to affect the quality of life of this group of people. They still pursue shopping, drinking afternoon tea, paying attention to product quality and pursuing aesthetics in exquisite social activities.
Taking a stroller as an example, it must meet the needs of mothers for taking photos and dressing up. "It will gain face when it is launched, and it will get likes when posted on WeChat Moments."
For this reason, bebebus's product design and R&D team accounts for nearly 50% of the company's total employees, and pays more attention to the appearance of products. In terms of the overall design concept, bebebus chose to control the extremely high-end multi-color LOGO.
Fashion based on safety is a necessity.

In terms of brand trust, from the foundation of the business, whether users have trust in the brand and continue to pay for you is the key to the survival of all products.
For a long time, we have neglected our understanding of the market. Many managers have not really understood the market or cared about users.
The purpose of a brand is to attract and retain users. If it cannot attract a certain number of users with purchasing power, it is impossible for the company to survive. Users always have many choices to solve their own problems. What they buy is not a product, but a solution to the problem.
Only brands that make unremitting efforts to help users solve their problems better, that is, provide them with better functions, higher value, and more convenient services, can they survive and prosper.
To do this, brands must first understand what “better” is in users’ minds. In this regard, Babycare, which is also a maternal and infant brand, can serve as a sample reference.
The brand's life cycle management of individual users mainly focuses on the AIPL model, that is, awareness, interest, purchase and loyalty. We can break it down in detail:
From a cognitive perspective, Babycare mainly focuses on brand-breaking marketing.
In addition to the earliest foreign brands sweeping Chinese mothers, Babycare is still outstanding in social communication. For example, during Mother's Day last year, BabyCare established the brand's public welfare maternal and infant rooms in various shopping malls, hospitals, and train stations, and launched the topic #爱的2square# on Weibo to call for the establishment of more maternal and infant rooms.
It is said that this topic triggered discussions across the Internet at that time, and was even forwarded by official media such as CCTV. This marketing event made hundreds of millions of users aware of the Babycare brand.
From the perspective of interest, Babycare mainly focuses on content cultivation.
Guoji Data once counted the distribution of content related to Babycare social media and found that its main distribution channels are on the three major platforms of Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, and all of them are on the order of over 10,000.
Data shows that the number of related Weibo accounts accounts for more than 50% of the total promotional content, while the number of videos related to Douyin accounts for more than 30%, and the number of related notes on Xiaohongshu accounts for more than 15%.
Judging from the proportion of platform interaction volume, Douyin has the highest interaction volume, followed by Xiaohongshu, accounting for 67% and 21% respectively. Weibo user activity is relatively low.
On Douyin, KOLs in the maternal and infant field, such as @印门Kerma, @walnutpabingtangmama, @小石 Mama, @Rabbit Mamashuo Parenting, etc., all recommend Babycare products to their fans. In the comments under these short videos, the keywords that appear more often are: so good-looking, excited, bought it, really want to buy one, do you have any...
From the perspective of purchase and loyalty, more depends on Babycare’s community operations.
User loyalty is reflected in purchases, repurchases, cross-category purchases, recommendation of new users, etc. The basis of these is the product itself, but the bonus points are also operated by the user community.
In the babycare community, it is not a centralized processing point for small advertisements that distribute coupons and promote new products as everyone thinks. After it has accumulated more than 2.5 million communities, what truly serves users and embodies value is the key to gaining user loyalty.
For example, Babycare's popular brand video "For the Only You in the World" shows the true appearance of each other from the perspectives of mother and baby. These video clips are actually real stories collected by Babycare from community users, allowing users themselves to participate in the spread of the brand and create valuable content for the maternal and infant groups.
For another example, a mother came to Babycare and said that her baby had been using a toy of the brand, and it had even become one of the important characters that accompanied his growth, but now the toy was lost.
At that time, this product had been off the shelves for a long time and was not available for purchase. To this end, Babycare customer service partners found raw materials and recreated a product for babies who have lost their toys.
These services to users in the community are the key to truly achieving brand loyalty.
write at the end
Why do we keep using mothers and babies as examples?
In fact, the 10 trillion female consumer market involves many industries, such as cosmetics, medical beauty, gold and jewelry, maternal and infant, women's clothing in the consumer industry, nursing, maternity, fitness, underwear in the health field, and the field of maternity and childbirth. Confinement nanny services, confinement center and other postpartum recovery services.
However, Qichacha data shows that among these consumer fields, based on the number of company registrations, the most popular are beauty products and maternal and infant products. Among them, maternal and infant products have become the leading track in the female consumer market in 2023.
However, this track is not easy. The "2022 Maternal and Infant Industry Observation Mid-Year Report" shows that in the first half of 2022, 46,000 companies went bankrupt, 30,000 maternal and infant stores closed, and 48.5% of companies had less than 6 months of cash flow.
When maternal and infant brands can emerge from the industry's own bleakness and become representatives of the entire female consumer market, all their efforts are worth peeling back and studying layer by layer.
Female consumers, the eternal growth of the brand

Female consumers, the eternal growth of the brand
