I was given an assignment to create a poster that sends a message purely through visuals. The only text allowed is the title. Class was presented with several topics and examples. The one I chose is about littering, with the purpose to raise awareness of it and it's impact on nature. After discussing with my lecturer, I decided to focus my work more towards the impact on sea creatures.

To start, I look through existing ads, illustrations, posters, and news about how trash impacts sea creatures. The animals appear to be "trapped" by some trash and have reduced quality of life. I took this as the core idea for my poster.

I'm not confident in my ability to create illustrations, so I went to canva and look for materials. I use free canva graphics and arrange them in a way to tell a story. I also drew a reef with flat shading to complete the background.
The input from my lecturer was to:
- add more sea creatures
- add a mountain of dead fishes
- add variety to the straws
- add more trash to emphasize it's volume
- create sea waves so the background is not too plain
I arranged these assets from canva. From left to right, top to bottom: Sky, Sea water, Pile of fish bones, sea creatures, straw "bars", plastic trash.

Early arrangement of the assets.

Final arrangement of the assets.
Arranged this way, the sea creatures are behind bars made out of straw, surrounded by a pile of fish skeleton and some trash that was irresponsibly thrown away.
Jeruji Buatan

Jeruji Buatan
