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Bushfire Resilient Homes Toolkit

Bushfire Resilient Homes Toolkit

The CRJO Bushfire Resilient Homes Toolkit brand's simplicity and application made for consistent, direct messages across a range of channels.

We helped develop tools and templates to accelerate the adoption of climate resilience and climate adaptive household upgrades across residents, councils and industry. These tools ranged from awareness driving campaign materials to guides that could help people facing a variety of impacts, and be ready for the ‘here and now’ through to ‘prepare and plan’ for the future.

The Bushfire Resilient Homes Toolkit features a series of interactive and practical guides for home owners, councils, and industry bodies to start making their communities more bushfire resilient.

We gave the initiative a unique identity and built an extensive suite of assets to deliver toolkit into the hands of those who need it most.
The Bushfire Resilient Homes Toolkit brand's simplicity and application made for consistent, direct messages across a range of channels.

We helped develop tools and templates to accelerate the adoption of climate resilience and climate adaptive household upgrades across residents, councils and industry. These tools ranged from awareness driving campaign materials to guides that could help people facing a variety of impacts, and be ready for the ‘here and now’ through to ‘prepare and plan’ for the future.
What we did:
Creative direction • Art direction • Brand identity • Document design • Brand toolkit • Campaign design • Video • Animation • Social media 
Bushfire Resilient Homes Toolkit

Bushfire Resilient Homes Toolkit

Making Bushfire-Resilient Housing More Aspirational, Affordable & Achievable
