Afrin Sanjida's profile

Letterhead and Business card design

Luxary Rose
Business Card
Front Side:
Company Logo:
A stylized, elegant rose in a combination of brown and purple hues, symbolizing luxury and sophistication.
Company Name:
"Luxary Rose" in a bold and modern Lato font, positioned prominently.
Tagline (Optional):
"Blooming Elegance."
Contact Information:
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]
Website: [Your Website URL]
Back Side:
A clean and minimalist design with a subtle texture, maintaining the color theme of brown and purple.
Brief bullet points or a concise description of the luxury products or services offered by Luxury Rose.
Social Media Icons:
Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. with corresponding handles/links.
Call to Action:
Encourage recipients to follow on social media, visit the website, or explore the latest collections.
The Luxary Rose logo aligned to the top left or center.
Company Name and Contact Information:
Positioned below the logo in a clean and legible Lato font.
A subtle continuation of the color theme, possibly with a small rose icon or pattern.
Blank Space:
Provide ample space for correspondence, ensuring a professional and organized layout.
Additional Tips:
Maintain a balance of whitespace for a clean and sophisticated look.
Use high-quality paper to enhance the luxurious feel of the business card and letterhead.
Consider embossing or foil stamping for the logo to add a tactile element.
Remember, the key is to convey elegance and luxury through simplicity and thoughtful design.
Bakery Bite
Business Card
Front Side:
Company Logo:
An inviting and stylized cupcake or pastry design in warm brown tones, accented with vibrant multicolor elements.
Company Name:
"Bakery Bite" presented in a playful yet professional Lato font, capturing the essence of your bakery.
Tagline (Optional):
"Savor Every Moment."
Contact Information:
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]
Website: [Your Website URL]
Back Side:
A whimsical background featuring a subtle pattern of baking-related icons in the chosen multicolor palette.
Product Showcase:
Display images or illustrations of your signature baked goods with a brief description.
Social Media Icons:
Icons for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. with corresponding handles/links.
Call to Action:
Encourage customers to follow on social media for updates and promotions.
A simplified version of the Bakery Bite logo aligned to the top left or center.
Company Name and Contact Information:
Below the logo, provide the company name, address, phone, and email in the friendly Lato font.
Use a soft multicolor gradient or small dessert illustrations to maintain the bakery theme.
Blank Space:
Allow space for writing letters or notes, ensuring a delightful and professional layout.
Additional Tips:
Incorporate warm and inviting colors to reflect the cozy atmosphere of a bakery.
Choose a high-quality, textured paper to enhance the tactile experience.
Consider a glossy finish for the business card to give a polished look.
This design aims to convey the inviting and delicious nature of Bakery Bite while maintaining a corporate and minimalistic feel.

Sesenta International
Business Card
Front Side:
Company Logo:
A sleek and modern design incorporating the company name "Sesenta International" in a sophisticated Lato font, with a hint of green, white, and black color elements to symbolize growth, purity, and professionalism.
Tagline (Optional):
"Global Excellence, Local Expertise."
Contact Information:
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]
Website: [Your Website URL]
Back Side:
A clean and minimalist background in white, with subtle accents of green and black for a corporate touch.
Brief bullet points highlighting key services or areas of expertise provided by Sesenta International.
Social Media Icons:
LinkedIn, Twitter, and other relevant icons with corresponding handles/links.
Call to Action:
Encourage recipients to connect on social media or visit the website for more information.
The Sesenta International logo centered at the top of the letterhead, maintaining a professional and cohesive look.
Company Name and Contact Information:
Below the logo, present the company name, address, phone, and email in the clean and modern Lato font.
A subtle green and black border or line at the bottom for a touch of sophistication.
Blank Space:
Allow ample space for correspondence, ensuring a neat and organized layout.
Additional Tips:
Use a high-quality, uncoated paper for a professional and sophisticated feel.
Consider incorporating embossing or spot UV finishing for a tactile and visually appealing effect.
Keep the design minimalistic to convey a sense of elegance and professionalism associated with an international business.
This design aims to communicate the global presence and professionalism of Sesenta International through a corporate and minimalistic design.

Humaira Closet
Business Card
Front Side:
Company Logo:
A chic and stylish representation of a closet or wardrobe in a combination of white, black, and subtle multicolor accents.
Company Name:
"Humaira Closet" in a contemporary and sleek Lato font, emphasizing a balance of modernity and sophistication.
Tagline (Optional):
"Elegance Tailored for You."
Contact Information:
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]
Website: [Your Website URL]
Back Side:
A clean and minimalist background in white, with subtle multicolor accents, reflecting the diversity of your fashion offerings.
Product Showcase:
Display images or silhouettes of some of your stylish clothing items, showcasing the range of your collection.
Social Media Icons:
Instagram, Pinterest, and other relevant icons with corresponding handles/links.
Call to Action:
Encourage customers to follow on social media for the latest trends and fashion updates.
The Humaira Closet logo centered at the top of the letterhead, maintaining a cohesive brand identity.
Company Name and Contact Information:
Below the logo, provide the company name, address, phone, and email in the modern and elegant Lato font.
A subtle multicolor border or pattern at the bottom for a touch of flair and creativity.
Blank Space:
Allow space for letter writing, ensuring a sophisticated and fashion-forward layout.
Additional Tips:
Use a high-quality, smooth or lightly textured paper for both the business card and letterhead.
Consider incorporating a gloss finish or spot UV on the logo to add a touch of luxury.
Keep the overall design minimalistic to align with a corporate and fashionable aesthetic.
This design aims to convey the elegance and style associated with Humaira Closet through a modern and minimalistic approach.

A's Wardrobe
Business Card
Front Side:
Company Logo:
A sophisticated, abstract representation of a wardrobe with a creative blend of multicolor, white, and delicate pink accents.
Company Name:
"A's Wardrobe" in a stylish and modern Lato font, capturing the essence of contemporary fashion.
Tagline (Optional):
"Where Style Meets You."
Contact Information:
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]
Website: [Your Website URL]
Back Side:
A clean and minimalist background with a soft gradient of white and pink, creating a harmonious backdrop.
Product Showcase:
Display a selection of fashion items or accessories with a gentle touch of multicolor, showcasing the diversity of A's Wardrobe.
Social Media Icons:
Include icons for Instagram, Facebook, or other relevant platforms with corresponding handles/links.
Call to Action:
Encourage customers to engage on social media or visit the website for the latest fashion trends.
Place the A's Wardrobe logo centered at the top of the letterhead, maintaining a cohesive brand identity.
Company Name and Contact Information:
Below the logo, present the company name, address, phone, and email in a clean and modern Lato font.
Incorporate a delicate pattern or subtle multicolor border at the bottom for a touch of elegance.
Blank Space:
Allow sufficient space for letter writing, ensuring a professional and fashionable layout.
Additional Tips:
Choose a high-quality, lightly textured paper to enhance the tactile experience.
Consider using a soft touch or matte finish for a modern and refined look.
Keep the design minimalistic, with strategic use of color to convey a sense of style and diversity.
This design aims to communicate the contemporary and diverse fashion offerings of A's Wardrobe through a modern and minimalistic design.

Letterhead and Business card design


Letterhead and Business card design
