Portfolio Kristina's profile

Illustration - Western Cartoon Style

This is my freelance work with finnfirrior.com. Finn Firrior is a freelance artist on Fivver. He currently looking for other freelancer to help handle his overloaded projects at 2021. He makes service there making character for animation or games. Here it is some of my works with him. I had a lot more works with him other than these but unable to post it all here.

p.s. this art style is finnfirrior's style. I adapt to his style while making the assets. But actually i have my own styles.
Slicing Character's Anatomy for Game and Animation Assets
Designing Character for Animation Assets (with Vector)
Drawing Line Art, Coloring and Shading Character for Game and Animation Assets (with Raster)
Drawing Line Art, Coloring and Shading Character for Game and Animation Assets (with Vector)
Illustration - Western Cartoon Style


Illustration - Western Cartoon Style
