RAF B's profile

Runik: Tales of the Red Horn


Runik Tales of the Red Horn is a real time short film done in unreal engine produced by theconstruct.xyz
The short film presents us with the funeral and ritual of a fellow fallen soldier, and its inevitable arise as a new form of existence

/categories/ animation, unreal engine, color grading, film, direction


//A project always has its golden shots and the artist's preffered shots.
these are the collections of shots I'll hold deer in my mind//


//In order to keep showing the excrutiating effort that is doing a project like this alone I put together a small BTS to show a bit of the raw look of unreal, the modelling, the texturing and the multitude of other processes involved into making a piece of animation//


//this has been Runik: Tales of the Red Horn, a project develop by theconstruct.xyz 
aka Rafael Bicalho//
thank you!
Runik: Tales of the Red Horn

Runik: Tales of the Red Horn
