Nyangezi Yussuf's profile

YouthConnekt Rwanda 10 years of Impact.

YouthConnekt Rwanda: Celebrating 10 Years of Impact. 

YouthConnekt, a platform connecting youth to diverse socio-economic opportunities, marked a significant milestone with a national-level event. Hosting different dignitaries, including the President of the republic of Rwanda. In this event social media served as a primary channel for highlighting the impact of the past decade, information was being shared through videos and designed visuals. As a graphic designer, I was responsible for creating informative and vibrant social media cards.
We commenced the campaign by employing the '5Ws' approach, clarifying what, when, where, why, and who through various simple designs. This ensured that the message was easily comprehensible and clear for our audience.
In the social media campaign, we informed the audience about the various components YouthConnekt has been developing over the last decade. We opted for a carousel design format to ensure that the audience could easily digest these components.
We crafted easily digestible social media cards highlighting YouthConnekt's impact in numbers.
We delved into each component individually, shedding light on their functions and the impact they have on the lives of their beneficiaries.
Throughout the campaign, we created diverse cards for multiple initiatives associated with the YouthConnekt program. For instance, 'Intore mu biruhuko' was one such campaign geared towards empowering youth through school break activities. This initiative was among several activities scheduled during the 'youth month' a month dedicated to youth engagement and empowerment.
Among the various branches of YouthConnekt, we provided live coverage of the launch event for 'Aguka,' a 4-year innovative program designed to unleash the potential of youth-led businesses in Rwanda. Using designed quotes, we informed the social media audience about the key speeches delivered during the event.
As the dates for the YouthConnekt event drew near, with designed cards we proactively encouraged our audience to register while maintaining the consistent design style used throughout the campaign.
we designed cards In different sizes to fit different platforms!
we also prepared our audience using countdown posts featuring the official flyer image, ensuring they were prepared to join and participate in the event.
On the day of the event, we captured arrival images filled with warmth and affection. Subsequently, we designed a welcoming post to officially greet and invite everyone to the event.
As the event progressed, we crafted quote cards featuring passages from the speakers' speeches to emphasize their key messages.
And that's a wrap! This enriching opportunity from the Ministry of Youth significantly enhanced my design skills and overall communication abilities. I am immensely grateful for the experience and its lasting impact!
YouthConnekt Rwanda 10 years of Impact.

YouthConnekt Rwanda 10 years of Impact.
