Title:অফিসে ফুরফুরে মেজাজ! কেনো? 

Project Overview

Why this project

ভ্যাট ক্যাল্কুলেশন জটিলতম একটা কাজ, প্রতিটি বিজনেস প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্যে- এটা আমরা সবাই জানি। কিন্তু, সফটওয়্যারের মাধ্যমে কিভাবে খুব সহজেই এই জটিল কাজটাকে, এঙ্গেজিং করে ফুটিয়ে তোলা যায়- এটাই ছিলো ব্রিফ!

My Role:

একাউন্টস কিংবা ভ্যাট সেকশন- কাজের চাপে হোক কিংবা বাই ন্যাচার, চুল কম থাকে দেখতে। তাই কলিগদের মাঝে এমন একজনকে খুঁজছিলাম, যার চুল কম এবং দেখতে ম্যাচিউর।

ফুরফুরে মেজাজ বোঝানর জন্যে, অফিসের হাই-স্পিড GFC ফ্যান নিয়ে আসি, এবং ছেড়ে দি’। টিস্যু বক্স নিয়ে আসি দুইটা কারণে- ১। কোম্পানী ব্র্যান্ডিং ২। ফুরফুরে একটা ভাইব নিয়ে আসার জন্যে। 

সাথে কিছু শব্দ চুজ করি, যেমন ‘দুশ্চিন্তা থেকে মুক্তি’ যেন Pain Point এ  সাইকোলজিক্যাল ধাক্কা দেয়া ও ‘NBR Certified’ যেন ভ্যাট সলিউশনের উপর ট্রাস্ট আসে।
Title: Introducing ERP solution ‘MANAGERIUM’
Project Overview

Why this project

A sudden decision came! 
iBOS SME, a business ERP software solution, is undergoing a strategic rebranding initiative, with the new name "Managerium."
This rebranding aims to reflect the enhanced capabilities and feature expansion of the software. Management requires a comprehensive and impactful marketing plan within one week. And my team was expecting a blast. 

My Role

I, with my team, were sitting in the meeting room and thinking about what would be the best initiatives under the circumstances. Considering the situation. I had only 7 days, including 2 off days, and nothing was prepared. After 2 hours of brainstorming, I decided to make a grand OVC as well as a campaign plan for the overall 14 days (static & short motion content ad). 

For the software industry- this concept was new. No one went for grand launching content for software ever. So, it was tough and challenging! Because no inspiration was not on the table. 

The main tough point was that I scripted for 9 characters who would share the unique selling features according to the storyboard. The most crucial part was how the audience couldn't be bored as software features are mostly uninteresting. On the other row, camera equipment was not available, unfortunately. 

When I shared these thoughts with authority, management helped to manage some lens and lighting equipment. I teamed up with some of my colleagues and arranged a series of dummy shooting sessions. I prepared 9 of the scouting-sets inside the office floor. I could prepare the whole arrangements within 2 days. 

After releasing the video, it was a blast in the business software solution industry. 

The most surprising part was the owner of AKIJ Resources Limited 'Mr. Sheikh Jasimuddin' Sir distinctively appreciated the idea and overall arrangements of the OVC. 
Title: iBOS SME সলিউশনটি আপনার কেন প্রয়োজন? 
Project Overview
Why this project

The marketing team told me to make something special content for our SME (Small & Medium Enterprise) software whereas the Key Features will be executed most effectively.

My Role

Listening to my team, I was thinking about what would be the most effective way!

After the brainstorming session, at first, I did scripting first. Imagining the customer’s realistic problem early, and then going for a solution- is my basic visualization of mine. 
The solution is the ‘SME software’ which will reduce the stress as well as make business Easy and Simple.

As there was no Camera & Audio Recording Equipment for our team that year, I lent an iPhone from our colleague and shot it in our office meeting room.

Additionally, gave directions to my Colleague Apu (actress) if she could give the proper expressions.

As a 'good audio recorder' was not available, the expressions were the most crucial part.
Title: Still Using Old Ways of HR Operation? PeopleDesk is Here!
Project Overview

Why this project

iBOS Limited have an HR solution named ‘People Desk’. The project was related to its features and others.

My Role

First, I was thinking about why 'HR Software' is important for a business and what the basic changes came to our day-to-day office life; compared to the past years.

After the brainstorming session, I picked some points which might easily show the differences between today and the past years regarding HR-related work in an office.

I printed the first page of a Register Book, found on Google and made an old attendance register instantly. Then, I managed an office Envelope to show the old-salary giving pattern. 

As well as, by collecting some CVs from our HR, indicated the old CV sorting fashion. And comparing our People Desk features which will easily make these works more efficient.
OVC Content

OVC Content
