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Matsumoto Castle a Jewel of Japanese History

Fukashi Castle​​​​​​​, Matsumoto Nagano, Japan


Matsumoto Castle A Jewel of Japanese History

Matsumoto Castle, located in the city of Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, stands as a testament to the country's rich feudal history. Known as the "Crow Castle" due to its striking black exterior, this iconic structure dates back to the 16th century, making it one of Japan's premier historic castles.

Built in 1504, Matsumoto Castle underwent several renovations and fortifications over the years, ultimately becoming a masterpiece of Sengoku period architecture. Its black-and-white walls and five-story main tower (tenshu) showcase the ingenuity of medieval Japanese castle design.

One distinctive feature of Matsumoto Castle is its angular gates and movable bridges, strategically designed for defense purposes. The castle's main tower, subtly tilted to withstand earthquakes, adds to its resilience.

Visitors to Matsumoto Castle can explore its various rooms, climb to the top for panoramic views, and immerse themselves in the castle's rich history. The castle is not only a National Treasure of Japan but also a symbol of resilience and architectural brilliance from a bygone era.

Matsumoto Castle a Jewel of Japanese History


Matsumoto Castle a Jewel of Japanese History
