Season themed Fashion - Winter

Shutter Speed: 1/100sec
Aperture: f/7.1
ISO: ISO - 500
Season themed Fashion - Spring

Shutter Speed: 1/100sec
Aperture: f/10
ISO: ISO - 500
Season themed Fashion - Autumn

Shutter Speed: 1/100sec
Aperture: f/7.1
ISO: ISO - 500

Season themed Fashion - Summer

Shutter Speed: 1/100sec
Aperture: f/10
ISO: ISO - 500
Pigeons are trained to be well-behaved and to learn tricks.

 Aperture F/13
Shutter Speed 1/1000sec
Extravagance entrance of the Malaysia-China friendship park in Kuching, Sarawak.

Aperture - F/6.4
S/S - 1/640 sec
ISO - 2000

Statue of Zheng He to memorial as the greatest admiral in Chinese history.

Aperture - F/8
S/S - 1/180 sec
ISO - 2000

Amazing night scenery despite taking the picture at night.

Aperture - F/3.5
S/S - 1/13 sec
ISO - 2000

Tourist seating on the stairs enjoying the view.

Aperture - F/5.6
S/S - 1/125 sec
ISO - 3200

Lively Night in Singapore.

Aperture: f/4
S/S: 1/30 sec
ISO: 3200
Breath taking scenery in Changi Airport.

Aperture - F/6.4
S/S - 1/1000 sec
ISO - 1250

Couples chilling in the park waiting for their flight.

Aperture: f/6.4
S/S: 1/400 sec
ISO: 1250
Light effect taken by using slow shutter speed.

Aperture - F/22
S/S - 30 sec
ISO - 100

Picture taken with high aperture. It was my first time using a DSLR camera.

Aperture - F/3.5
S/S - 1/2500 sec
ISO - 1250

Sun setting down.

Aperture - F/10
S/S - 1/1250 sec
ISO - 800

Golden Hour -  Experimenting with Colour Temperature in Kelvin (K)

​​​​​​​Aperture - F/6.4
S/S - 1/4000 sec
ISO - 800

Low Lighting - Experiment taking picture in low exposure.

Aperture - F/5.6
S/S - 1/125 sec
ISO - 3200

Another practice with low lighting.

Aperture - F/5.6
S/S - 1/50 sec
ISO - 800

PSA - Depression

Shutter Speed – 1/50 sec
Aperture – f/6.4
ISO - 2500

Lipstick Commercial 

Shutter Speed – 1/50 sec
Aperture – f/10
ISO - 2500


